C:\Users\utente\Documents\ELAD\FDM-SW2\Recordings\Marco\2015_06_26_11_28_18_FDMSW1_Rec_RF_000.wav //WCF 100000000 //WBW 4915200 //---- WCF: Write CenterFreq [Hz] WBW: Write Bandwidth [Hz] This file is a command file that configure the behaviour of the application: The first row must containt the full path of the file to analyse. The remaining rows can contain a command that allow modifications of the wav file, in this example the second row contains the command (WCF) that overwrite the Center Frequency field, and the third row contains the command to overwrite the Bandwitdh field. To enable in this example the execution of Wxx commands keep out the // (comment) characters ELAD srl (C) 2015